Wednesday 30 September 2009

Waitrose oh PLEASE I would have thought you would be better

I have just been shopping at the local Waitrose and shock horror I was confronted by Christmas.

I believe it is 85 days when writing this until "the big day" and you are selling Christmas stock.

Now another supermarket has witnessed an email much like this, but to be honest they were BAD and had things out over 100 days before "the event". I do however have to give you praise that you have not put Christmas stock out in our faces (see the orange supermarket for details), and also you do have only a small amount of items not a huge aisle or two.

But seriously why do you have items out before at least early November? We have 2 "events" prior to Christmas which require shelf space yet I don't see anything for them yet.

I would have though that a high class store such as your self would be a little restrained.


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