Monday 28 September 2009

Dear Sainsburys

I have just been shopping at the local Sainsbury's and shock horror I was confronted by Christmas.

I believe it is just under 100 days until "the big day" and you are selling Christmas stock.

I noticed the hell that might be appearing last week (OVER 100 days to go) when I saw you had a clear shelf in bakery with green banding, with little Santa hats, looking ominously merry.

Not just a shelf, almost half a aisle, 5M from the sliding doors, BEFORE the Halloween stuff(located half way down the store, as well as discount mince pies.

MINCE PIES!! Now I love mince pies as much as the next man but when confronted by an entire rack of mince pies reduced to clear from the bakery it makes you wonder why people are not buying them.

I think I have the answer, ITS NOT CHRISTMAS YET!!

I do wonder what the homeless people you donate the waste ,unsold food to, (you DO donate the food don't you and not lock it away in cages like another one of "the big4"?) are thinking as they get the hand outs. "My my this global warming is getting a bit weird it was roasting yesterday and now its mince pies *rubs hands with glee* its just a few weeks until turkey and Christmas pud time"

After that rant which know doubt has humoured the office, WHY are you selling Christmas in the 3rd week in September when its over 90 days until Christmas?


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