Friday, 2 October 2009

Wet Look leggings

Now if you have seen the blog below about jeggings I did mention the hell that is "wet look" leggings.


logic dictates wet clothes are not cool, and a warning to others.

Either its very wet outside - the warning there is that you would be aware of the precipitation and should take precautions.

The other warning is that there is some one hiding round the corner to spray water on you.

Now my good friend Steve was looking up jeggings after my wee rant and discovered that "wet look" items are actually originally designed for the fetish community. Which I can believe just look below you tell me the difference.

Why just WHY ? I am sure about 5 people can pull them off.. like jeggings its going to show off your flab, but its also going to attract looks.

I think 2 looks.
OMG she looks horrible in those with those legs.

I say "she" I saw some pictures that were with guys wearing them. This is just as wrong. It's like having a glitterball that crushes and presents your package to the public.

There is a page on blogspot that is PRO this.. Now I can but hope as it has not been updated since 2 months ago, it is a item that will soon disappear.

Let us all pray


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